- 01.12.2024 - 11:03
Prof. Dr. Stefan Weik took up his position as Assistant Professor of Private Markets at the Center for Financial Services Innovation (FSI-HSG) and the School of Finance on August 1, 2024.
Prof. Vesa Pursiainen, Ph.D. and Prof. Dr. Matthias Weber were elected to the Institute's Executive Board. We congratulate them on their election and wish them both every success and look forward to the impetus they will provide in their new roles.
Prof. Dr. Markus Schmid published the “Retail Banking Study 2035” together with EY Switzerland: The team of experts from the Swiss Institute of Banking and Finance and bank consultants and auditors from EY undertook a situation analysis and developed ten hypotheses on the development of retail banking in Switzerland up to the year 2035. While most banks work with shorter planning horizons of three to five years, the authors of the study opted for a longer time horizon, as relevant trends often develop over longer cycles. The ten hypotheses were tested as part of a survey and expert interviews with CEOs and managers from 33 Swiss banks, which took place in early summer 2024. The study was presented to the managers of the participating banks on 19 September 2024 at the Zunft zur Saffran in Zurich.
“Value Creation Ratings Pilot Report 2024” (VCr2024) by Prof. Dr. Martin Nerlinger and Dr. Tomas Casas i Klett presents a new innovative approach to making the sustainable value creation of companies measurable. Using 54 metrics in 12 categories, it assesses how companies create, share or transfer value – and in doing so harmonize society and the economy. Key concepts are positive value transfers (e.g. innovation and jobs) and negative value transfers (e.g. environmental impact). The VCr2024 offers a transparent and practice-oriented alternative to conventional ESG ratings and helps to distinguish genuine sustainability strategies from greenwashing. Together with its sister project Elite Quality Index (EQx2024), it redefines sustainability at company and country level.
The 6th HSG Forum for Banking and Finance on the topic of “Private Markets: The New Asset Class?” was held on 14 November 2024 at the Zunfthaus zur Saffran in Zurich. With Prof. Tereza Tykvová's thematic introduction, the keynote speech by Stefan Näf from Partners Group and the practical panel discussion led by Prof. Dr. Stefan Weik, the opportunities and challenges of investing in private markets were highlighted, especially from the perspective of retail investors. The HSG Forum brings together experts and interested parties from the financial sector to discuss current developments and research findings. In cooperation with the Center for Financial Services Innovation (FSI-HSG) and the Swiss Institute of Banking and Finance (s/bf-HSG), the Forum offers unique expertise.
Von Meyerinck, F., Pursiainen, V., Schmid, M. (2024). Competition and the Reputational Costs of Legal Disputes. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. forthcoming.
Kopányi-Peuker, A., Weber, M. (2024). The role of end time in experimental asset Markets. Journal of Corporate Finance, 88: 102647.
Kölbel, J. F., Leippold, M., Rillaerts, J., Qian Wang, Q. (2024). Ask BERT: How Regulatory Disclosure of Transition and Physical Climate Risks Affects the CDS Term Structure. Journal of Financial Econometrics 22 (1): 30–69.
Paaso, M., Pursiainen, V., Torstila, S. (2024). Debt Aversion of Entrepreneurs and Financing Decisions: Insights from COVID-19 Support Programmes. Management Science, forthcoming.
Traut, J. (2024): Local, Regional, and Global Asset Pricing.
Barbon, A. et al.: DeFi-ying the Fed? Monetary Policy Transmission to Stablecoin Rates.
Civilian Evacuation in War: Insights from Ukraine. S.-K. Martinez, M. Pompeo, R. Sheremata, V. Vakhitov, M. Weber, N. Zaika. Annual Congress of the Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics (SGVS), Lucerne, 6-7 June 2024.
The Startup Performance Disadvantage in Europe: Evidence from Startups Migrating to the U.S. S. Weik, European Finance Association (EFA), Bratislava, 20-22 August 2024.
Residential Rent Externalities of Photovoltaic Systems: The Relevance of View. R. Füss, K. Kürschner Rauck, A. Weigand, 7th Annual GRASFI Conference at Singapore Management University, September 2024.
The carbon-poor rental premium of residential buildings. R. Füss. SFI-SSF Conference Zurich, 5 September 2024.
Swiss Money Map 2024: Developments in the Spatial Distribution of Cash Access Points in Switzerland. T. Trütsch, L. Nägelin. Economics of Payments XIII, Vienna, 25-27 September 2024.
Local, Regional and Global Asset Prices? J. Traut. SFI Doctoral Conference in Zurich.
Private Customers' Reactions to Private Equity Acquisitions. T. Tykvová, V. Pursiainen. EUROFIDAI-ESSEC Paris, December 2024.
Financial Advice and Retirement Provision. D. Hoechle, S. Ruenzi, N. Schaub, M. Schmid. EUROFIDAI-ESSEC Paris, December 2024.
The fifth edition of the “Certificate Course on ESG and Sustainable Finance” will again be offered in spring 2025 under the direction of Prof. Dr. Markus Schmid in collaboration with ESG industry experts from Ethos, Inrate, MSCI, radicant, UBS, Vontobel, Walder Wyss and ZKB. Start: 7 May 2025.
The popular “Fit for Finance” lecture series was offered again in autumn 2024 as an intensive course. After 20 years under the direction of Prof. Dr. Manuel Ammann, Prof. Dr. Roland Füss and Prof. Dr. Markus Schmid took the lead in the ‘Fit for Finance’ courses for the first time. Due to its thematic focus, the course provides an optimal basis for further certificates, in particular for the CFA®. The next course will take place in autumn 2025.
In autumn 2024, the certificate course “Fit for Real Estate Finance” took place for the second time under the direction of Prof. Dr. Roland Füss. An exciting five-day programme was put together together with experienced practitioners from the Swiss real estate industry. The next course is planned for autumn 2025.
The course ”Fit for Private Markets” will be offered for the second time in spring 2025 by Prof. Dr. Roland Füss and Prof. Dr. Stefan Morkötter. Private markets are one of the major growth areas in asset management and are now an integral part of many investors' asset allocation. Applicability. Start: 5 March 2025.
Introduction to Blockchain Technology & Management of Digital Assets in Financial Services. The course will take place on 31 January and 1 February 2025 and offers a comprehensive introduction to blockchain technology and the management of digital assets in the financial sector.
Introduction to Blockchain Technology & Digital Assets in Financial Services – Middle Management Workshop at UBS. The workshop was successfully conducted on 29 September 2024 and 2 December 2024.
Asset & Liability Management. The course started on 12 September 2024 and was successfully completed on 31 October 2024.
Should you have any questions or suggestions regarding the s/bf-HSG Newsletter please send an e-mail to: Elvedina Sljivar.
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December 2024