Die Forschung am Lehrstuhl für Finance beschäftigt sich mit empirischer Finanzmarktforschung. Die Lehre konzentriert sich auf das Master Programm in Banking and Finance sowie Finance auf Doktorandenstufe. Weiterbildungsveranstaltungen werden im MBA sowie als Seminare angeboten.
Die Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen in den Bereichen:
Prof. Dr. Manuel Ammann ist per Februar 2024 zum neuen Rektor der HSG gewählt worden. Der Lehrstuhl Finance wird interimistisch von Prof. Dr. Vitaly Orlov übernommen.
2019 | Weigert, Florian: Essays on Hedge Funds, Mutual Funds, Asset Pricing, and Banks. |
2010 | Schmid, Markus: Essays on Corporate Governance, Corporate Diversification, and Venture Capital Financing. |
2020 | Feser, Alexander: Essays on the Interaction of Options and Equity Markets. Straumann, Simon: Essays in Empirical Finance. | |
2019 | Fischer, Sebastian: Essays on Mutual Fund Activeness and Sustainability as a Flow Determinant. | |
2017 | Schade, Jan-Philip: Essays on Factor Investing and Social Trading. | |
2016 | Ehmann, Christian: Essays on Institutional Asset Management and Financial Markets. | |
2015 | Artiga González, Tanja: Essays in Corporate Finance. Horsch, Philipp: Three Essays in Empirical Corporate Finance. | |
2014 | Marquardt, Sina: Essays on Derivative Pricing and Mutual Fund Manager Behavior Nigbur, Tobias: Three Essays on Risk in Financial Markets. Schuette, Dustin: Corporate Financial Aspects of the Financial Crisis. | |
2012 | Büsser, Ralf: Essays on Foreign Exchange Option Markets Frey, Roman: Essays on Jump-Diffusion Models in Asset Pricing and on the Prediction of Aggregate Stock Returns. Kohler, Alexander: Essays on Hybrid Debt Instruments and Market Microstructure. Wipplinger, Evert: Spot and Derivative Markets. | |
2011 | Gioulekas, Sotirios I.: Examining corporate financing : an analysis of aggregate private equity activity, LBO valuation dynamics, and the bank lending channel of monetary policy transmission. Huber, Otto: Investigating hedge fund performance. Merz, Rolf: Optimal portfolio choice under parameter uncertainty. Oesch, David: International corporate governance and firm value. | |
2010 | Berchtold, Rachel: Demographic change and the impact on financial markets. | |
2009 | Brommundt, Bernd Michael: Advances in the pricing of collateralized debt obligations. Ising, Alexander: Mutual fund manager behavior and performance. Steiner, Michael: Risk factors, fund performance, and prediction in the Swiss stock market. Süss, Stephan: Volatility indices and their derivatives. Zingg, Andreas: The performance and governance of pension funds in Switzerland. | |
2008 | Schöber, Thomas: Buyout-backed initial public offerings. | |
2007 | Mayr, Bernhard: Financial contagion and intra-group spillover effects. Moerth, Patrick: Hedge funds: performance analysis, strategy classification, and portfolio construction. | |
2006 | Kessler, Stephan Markus: Liquidity and capital market imperfections. Seiz, Ralf: Convertible securities. Verhofen, Michael: Bayesian inference in empirical finance |
2020 | Weigert, Florian | Université de Neuchâtel |
2019 | Schaub, Nic | WHU |
2015 | Artiga González, Tanja | VU Freie Universität Amsterdam |
2014 | Oesch, David | Universität Zürich |
2013 | Käck, Andreas | Universität Sussex |
2012 | Seeger, Norman | VU Freie Universität Amsterdam |
2012 | Wipplinger, Evert | VU Freie Universität Amsterdam |
2010 | Schmid, Markus | Universität Mannheim |
2008 | Kind, Axel | Universität Konstanz |