2024 | Competition and the Reputational Cost of Litigation, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, forthcoming (co-authored with F. von Meyerinck and V. Pursiainen). |
2024 | CEO Turnover and Director Reputation, Journal of Financial Economics, forthcoming (co-authored with J. Romer and F. von Meyerinck). |
2021 | CEO Tenure and Firm Value, The Accounting Review 96(6), 47-71 (co-authored with F. Brochet, P. Limbach, and M. Scholz-Daneshgari). |
2020 | Strategic Scope and Bank Performance, Journal of Financial Stability 46, 2020, 100715 (co-authored with A. Saunders and I. Walter). |
2019 | Does Price Fixing Benefit Corporate Managers?, Management Science 65(10), 2019, 4813-4840 (co-authored with T. Artiga Gonzalez and D. Yermack). |
2018 | Financial Advice and Bank Profits, Review of Financial Studies 31(11), 2018, 4447-4492 (co-authored with D. Hoechle, S. Ruenzi, and N. Schaub). |
2018 | Settling the Staggered Board Debate, University of Pennsylvania Law Review 166(6), 2018, 1475-1510 (co-authored with Y. Amihud and S. Davidoff Solomon). |
2018 | Industry Expert Directors, Journal of Banking and Finance 92, 2018, 195-215 (co-authored with W. Drobetz, D. Oesch, and F. von Meyerinck). |
2017 | The Impact of Financial Advice on Trade Performance and Behavioral Biases, Review of Finance 21(2), 2017, 871-910 (co-authored with D. Hoechle, S. Ruenzi, and N. Schaub). |
2016 | Is Director Industry Experience Valuable?, Financial Management 45(1), 2016, 207-237 (co-authored with F. von Meyerinck and D. Oesch). |
2013 | Product Market Competition, Corporate Governance, and Firm Value: Evidence from the EU-Area, European Financial Management, 19(3), 2013, 452-469 (co-authored with M. Ammann and D. Oesch). |
2013 | Hedge Fund Characteristics and Performance Persistence, European Financial Management, 19(2), 2013, 209-250 (co-authored with M. Ammann and O. Huber). |
2013 | Hedge Fund Liquidity and Performance: Evidence from the Financial Crisis, Journal of Banking and Finance 37(3), 2013, 671-692 (co-authored with N. Schaub). |
2012 | Risk Management, Corporate Governance, and Bank Performance in the Financial Crisis, Journal of Banking and Finance, 36(12), 2012, 3213-3226 (co-authored with V. Aebi and G. Sabato). |
2012 | Geographical Diversification and Firm Value in the Financial Sector, Journal of Empirical Finance, 19(1), 2012, 109-122 (co-authored with I. Walter). |
2012 | Is there Really no Conglomerate Discount?, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 39(1-2), 2012, 264-288 (co-authored with M. Ammann and D. Hoechle). |
2012 | How Much of the Diversification Discount Can be Explained by Poor Corporate Governance?, Journal of Financial Economics 103(1), 2012, 41-60 (co-authored with D. Hoechle, I. Walter, and D. Yermack). |
2011 | Product Market Competition, Managerial Incentives, and Firm Valuation, European Financial Management 17(2), 2011, 331-366 (co-authored with S. Beiner and G. Wanzenried). |
2011 | Has Hedge Fund Alpha Disappeared?, Journal of Investment Management 9(1), 2011, 50-71 (co-authored with M. Ammann and O. Huber). |
2011 | Corporate Governance and Firm Value: International Evidence, Journal of Empirical Finance 18(1), 2011, 36-55 (co-authored with M. Ammann and D. Oesch). |
2009 | Ownership Structure and the Separation of Voting and Cash Flow Rights – Evidence from Switzerland, Applied Financial Economics 19(18), 2009, 1453-1476. |
2009 | Do Financial Conglomerates Create or Destroy Economic Value?, Journal of Financial Intermediation 18(2), 2009, 193-216 (co-authored with I. Walter). |
2009 | The Performance Persistence of Equity Long/Short Hedge Funds, Journal of Derivatives and Hedge Funds (formerly Derivatives Use, Trading & Regulation) 15(1), 2009, 51-69 (co-authored with S. Manser). |
2009 | Trust and Success in Venture Capital Financing – An Empirical Analysis with German Survey Data, Kyklos 62(1), 2009, 15-43 (co-authored with S. Duffner and H. Zimmermann). |
2008 | The First- and Second-Hand Effect of Analysts' Stock Recommendations – Evidence from the Swiss Stock Market, European Financial Management 14(5), 2008, 962-988 (co-authored with P. Schlumpf and H. Zimmermann). |
2008 | Should Chairman and CEO Be Separated? Leadership Structure and Firm Performance in Switzerland, Schmalenbach Business Review 60(2) (Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung), 2008, 182-204 (co-authored with H. Zimmermann). |
2007 | Estimating the Cost of Executive Stock Options: Evidence from Switzerland, Corporate Governance: An International Review 15(5), 2007, 798-815 (co-authored with W. Drobetz and P. Pensa). |
2007 | Feasible Momentum Strategies – Evidence from the Swiss Stock Market, Financial Markets and Portfolio Management 21(3), 2007, 325-352 (co-authored with D. Rey). |
2006 | An Integrated Framework of Corporate Governance and Firm Valuation, European Financial Management 12(2), 2006, 249-283 (co-authored with S. Beiner, W. Drobetz and H. Zimmermann). |