
Thesis Supervision

Thesis Supervision

Are you interested in writing your Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis on a topic from the specialized disciplines of the chair of real estate finance?

Current Status:
Prof. Dr. Roland Füss - No topics available until May 2025

Application for Bachelor's and Master's Theses:

Prof. Dr. Roland Füss is happy to supervise your Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis in the research fields of Real Estate Finance, Real Estate Economics, Real Estate Securitization, Risk Management as well as Arts and Economics. Applicants should have attended and completed one of the various courses of the chair with a very good grade in the past.

You can either apply for an open topic or suggest your own topic by writing a short proposal. To propose your own topic, you should use this proposal template which is based on Frauendorfer (2018) as well as Faff (2015). Moreover, you should send us your current CV and your latest grade transcript. This allows us to get a good understanding of your areas of interest. We will then discuss the possibility of writing a thesis on your proposed topic in person or via phone.

We expect you to aim for a high-quality thesis. The objective should be that your thesis is similar to a peer-reviewed article in an academic finance or economics journal. To obtain a good grade, your thesis should include a well-grounded empirical or qualitative analysis that delivers a novel contribution to existing finance or economics literature. For empirical topics, you should be familiar with a statistical software package like STATA, MATLAB, R, or Python. Excel and SPSS is not sufficient. Furthermore, your thesis should be written in LaTeX (preferred) or in Word. It is also important that you use a literature manager to cite in your thesis (Mendeley, BibTeX for Mac or JabRef).

In preparation for your thesis, please also have a look at the “Thesis and Seminar Paper Guidelines” of the chair.
