
Academic Research

Academic research is an important part of the work of the Competence Center for Real Estate Management. In this section, the current working papers and recently published articles are listed.

Current Working Papers:

“The Low-Carbon Rent Premium of Residential Buildings” by Angelika Brändle, Roland Füss, Jörg Schläpfer and Alois Weigand.

"Do Local Gonvernments Tax Homewoner Communities Differently?" by Rüss Roland, Olver Lerbs and Alois Weigand.

Recently Published Articles:

Fuchs, Florian, Roland Füss, Tim Jenkinson, and Stefan Morkoetter (2022), Should Investors Care Where Private Equity Managers Went To School?, Review of Corporate Finance, Vol. 2: No. 3,  451-492.

Füss, Roland, and Daniel Ruf (2022), Information Precision and Return Co-movements in Private Commercial Real Estate Markets, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 138, January, 106402.

Aydin, Eren, Kürschner Rauck, Kathleen. Low-emission Zones, Modes of Transport and House Prices: Evidence from Berlin’s Commuter Belt. Transportation (2022).

Füss, Roland, and Daniel Ruf (2021), Bank Systemic Risk Exposure and Office Market Interconnectedness, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol.133, December, 106311.

Birkeland, Kristoffer B., Allan D. D’Silva, Roland Füss, and Are Oust (2021), The Predictability of House Prices: “Man Against the Machine”, International Real Estate Review, Vol. 24, No. 2, 139-183.

Füss, Roland, Jan Koller, and Alois Weigand (2021), Determining Land Values from Residential Rents, Land, 10(336).

Balemi, Nadia, Roland Füss, and Alois Weigand (2021), COVID-19’s Impact on Real Estate Markets: Review and Outlook, Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, Vol. 35, No. 4, 495-513.

Fischer, Marcel, Roland Füss, and Simon Stehle (2021), Local House Price Comovements, Real Estate Economics, Vol. 49, No. S1, 169-198.

Fuchs, Florian, Roland Füss, Tim Jenkinson, and Stefan Morkoetter (2021), Winning a Deal in Private Equity: Do Educational Ties Matter? Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 66, February, 101740.

Das, Prashant, Roland Füss, Benjamin Hanle, and Isabel Russ (2020), The Cross-Over Effect of Irrational Sentiments in Housing, Commercial Property, and Stock Markets, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 114, May, 105799.

Weigand, Alois. (2019), Machine Learning in Empirical Asset Pricing, Journal of Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, Vol. 33 (1), 93-104.
