

Current events and news about the Real Estate Competence Center are posted here. These announcements include the publication of studies, expert lectures and other important events.

November 10, 2022
Prof. Dr. Roland Füss gave a presentation titled "Reducing CO2 Emissions in Residential Real Estate: Cost or Ideological Environmental Reasons?" at the Best of Research Day of the Swiss Real Estate Institute.

October 19, 2022
Prof. Dr. Roland Füss opened this year's NTNU Business School Conference in Trondheim, Norway as keynote speaker. In his presentation on real estate markets in times of crisis, he addressed the challenges that the high inflation as well as the energy crisis has on the real estate sector.

September 29, 2022
The Neue Zürcher Zeitung quoted the opinion of Prof. Dr. Roland Füss in an article about the effects of inflation and recent increases in interest rate.

June 09, 2022
Dr. Kathleen Kürschner Rauck, Prof. Dr. Roland Füss and Alois Weigand outlined the impact of COVID-19 on international real estate markets in the latest issue of Absolut Research.

April 07, 2022
During the annual SGF Conference Nadia Balemi, Prof. Dr. Roland Füss and Alois Weigand received the ZKB Best Paper Award for their article "COVID-19's Ipact on Real Estate Markets: Review and Outlook". This award recognizes the scientific article with the highest practical relevance in the journal Financial Markets and Portfolio Management.

October 01, 2021
Giulia Dubler, Prof. Dr. Roland Füss and Alois Weigand published an article on the Swiss real estate market during the COVID-19 pandemic in a special issue of the magazine Schweizer Monat.

April 27, 2021
Prof. Dr. Roland Füss lectures in the executive education course "Fit for Alternative Investments" about real estate as well as art investments as asset classes on behalf of the Swiss Institute of Banking and Finance.

March 13, 2021
In an interview with the magazine stgallen24 Prof. Dr. Roland Füss describes the risks due to overvaluations in the Swiss mortgage market.

January 17, 2020
Prof. Dr. Roland Füss was nominated as Weimer School Fellow of the prestigious US Homer Hoyt Institute. He presented his current research at the annual Session of the Weimer School of Advanced Studies in Real Estate and Land Economics in mid-January 2020.

October 7, 2019
On behalf of  Consus Immobilien GmBH, one of the largest real estate developers in Germany, Prof. Dr. Roland Füss gave a lecture on the capital market’s valuation of REITs and real estate developers at the Expo Real 2019 in Munich. The results of the working paper and the presentation were the subject of an article in the Handelsblatt.

Mai 23, 2019
At a VIS general meeting, Prof. Dr. Roland Füss and Daniel Sager (Meta-Sys AG) presented the results of their study on the initiative for "More Affordable Housing". The NZZ dedicated its own article to the result.

March 29, 2019
Once again in 2019, Prof. Dr. Roland Füss was juror for the Career Award 2019 of the DZ Bank Group.

October 17, 2018
At the 2018 Business School Conference of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Prof. Roland Füss was the keynote speaker and opened the conference with his lecture on the volatility of house prices.
